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Hecto Id Consultancy

Hecto Id Consultancy is a recruitment and placement agency that builds the relationships by fulfilling promises both to the clients and the candidates. Having a solid team to provide One Stop Service To Go Overseas, Hecto Id Consultancy engages with hundreds international and national companies in the hospitality industry. Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore and Middle East are the most popular destination countries for our candidates. Established in 2018, Hecto Id Concultancy has participated in catering to the needs of the clients. A serious, reliable, and technology-based recruitment has been executed to satisfy clients and candidates as well. More than 100 hospitality enthusiasts have followed the process of our recruitment and succeeded to achieve their dreams as a part of the hospitality industry.

Hecto Education

Hecto Education adalah branch company dari PT. Hecto Inovasi Indonesia yang bergerak dalam bidang pelatihan ketrampilah sumber daya manusia untuk industri perhotelan dan kapal pesiar. Lahirnya Hecto Education berbekal visi dan misi yang kuat dalam melahirkan kualitas tenaga kerja professional dalam bidang tersebut.

Hi Job

Merupakan Job Portal Khusus pencari kerja dan perusahaan di bidang Hospitality Industri untuk berbagi pekerjaan atau mencari pekerjaan. Memiliki fitur link up dengan ratusan perusahaan dari dalam dan luar negeri dan ribuan pelamar pekerja setiap tahunnya.



Working hours

Monday - Friday: 9:00 -16:00 Hrs
(Phone until 17:30 Hrs)
Saturday - 9:00 - 14:00

We are here

Jalan Raya Kunci No 46 Cilacap, 53261 Indonesia
Phone: +62 280 5265 088

©2018 by PT. Hecto Inovasi Indonesia